Stûv - Product Book Wood

3 800 9 420 1210 Ø D A Ø L* Configuration haute relevé complet A B 65 Ø L* Configuration basse relevé partiel E N 57 G M C J F 250 P C J J F 250 M P P 68 706 405 25 160 700 806 655 600 Ø 200 430 25 1112 970 560 575 ≥ 150 800 950 1370 Ø 200 / 250 420 1210 Ø 200 E ≥158 H O 60 60 G E ≥158 H N 57 G J M 68 H G 50 40 40 40 450 1970 610 150 2000 864 1220 20 1112 970 560 575 ≥ 150 800 950 1370 Ø 200 / 250 420 1210 Ø 200 E ≥158 H O 60 60 G E ≥158 H N 57 G C J J F M P 68 H G 50 40 40 40 450 1970 2000 864 1220 20 600 1112 970 560 575 ≥ 150 800 950 1370 Ø 200 / 250 420 1210 Ø 200 E ≥158 H O 60 60 G E ≥158 H N 57 G C J F 250 M P 68 H G 50 40 40 40 450 1970 864 1220 20 530 600 430 stûv 21 - 012022 - EN partially raised low configuration fully raised high configuration Gap for frame and counter-frame fitting (framing work without decorative frame stûv) Gap for frame and counter-frame stûv fitting (framing work with decorative frame stûv) Dimensions * Standard smoke exit diameter ; other cross-sections are available. Please consult stûv. ** The stûv 21/105 & 21/135 are only available with full-raise of glass door. Please note : the dimensions shown do not take into account the space required for insulation for when the stove is fitted in a combustible material. single face double face A B C D E F G H J L* M N O P stûv 21/65H high 650 1225 490 1455 660 510 584 683 196 200 1430 470 615 281 stûv 21/75 750 1005 490 1137 760 510 684 524 186 180 1211 570 456 281 stûv 21/85 850 1115 540 1295 860 560 784 603 201 200 1320 670 535 331 stûv 21/95 950 1225 590 1455 960 610 884 683 221 250 1430 770 615 381 stûv 21/105** 1050 1040 496 - 1060 515 984 469 201 200 1245 870 400 288 stûv 21/125 1250 1115 563 1295 1260 585 1184 603 221 300 1320 1070 535 354 stûv 21/135** 1350 1040 500 - 1360 515 1282 469 203 250 1245 1170 400 291 stûv 21/75 DF 750 1005 670 1136 760 685 684 524 336 250 1211 570 456 430 stûv 21/85 DF 850 1115 670 1295 860 685 784 603 336 250 1320 670 535 430 stûv 21/95 DF 950 1225 670 1455 960 685 884 683 336 250 1430 770 615 430 stûv 21/125 DF 1250 1115 670 1295 1260 685 1184 603 336 300 1320 1070 535 430